
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

style statement tuesday & fall fashion week

today we're linking up with two of my favorite bloggers.  jessica @ the only ten i see & deanna @ delirious rhapsody.  both ladies are hilarious and very fashion forward.  check them out!
delirious rhapsody
The Only Ten I See

so here's my classic trendy outfit of the week:

i love the classic red top with the flare leg jeans and snakeskin belt.  and my shoes...well they are my absolute favorite heels ever.  my grandparents gave me a pair of black pumps for christmas one year and i literally wore them until the heels broke off.  i couldn't find any for years that could begin to measure up, and then i came across these beauts at target last year...for $12.  i am in love with them.  plus, how cute are the ruffles?? 

shirt: thrifted (loft )/ belt: thrifted (ann taylor)/ jeans: old navy (last fall)/ shoes: target (last summer)/ necklace: kohls (this summer)


  1. Love this outfit. I never find anything Loft at thrift shoes. I love shopping at Loft. Their clothes always seem to fit a woman's body perfectly.

  2. Excellent ensemble! It's so put together from-head-to-toe! And I can't believe those shoes were only $12!

    1. haha thanks rachael! I usually feel anything but put together so that's a fabulous compliment. :)

  3. You look so chic! love the belt too! have you ever checked out Sheikshoes?? It's bad my shoe collection has out grown my wardrobe, epp!

    1. thanks jillian! i hadn't heard of that site, but since tuesday i checked it out and i can definitely see why your shoe collection is so big! :)

  4. What a great outfit. Those shoes are cute!

  5. Great top and super cute shoes!!!!

  6. You look so polished. And I love the shirt and belt combo.

  7. I love this outfit, the belt really pulls it together! The shoes are a-dorable!

    1. thanks, lexi! i thought so, too. with the oversized shirts being "in", it's easy to look a little undone.

  8. dang, you look fantastic! that shirt and shoes are hot. true story.
